My soul is starting to revive. I'm not only writing again, I've started editing Wikipedia again. Things that I stopped doing because I was too exhausted as a truck driver to continue doing, and had given up because I was diverting all my money to pay for a third marriage, and because I had grown weary with life and decided didn't matter, I am once again doing for sheer love.
Mind you, I've decided that life is much too short for me to spend any more time trying to woo and please a woman. This is not a statement against women. I suspect that, in a different culture, I could have a successful marriage. But my personality, physiology and history, plus this culture and these times, all combine to make an aromatic poop sauce out of my intersex relationships.
I probably say this more than I need to. But it comes into my mind more than it probably will as the years pass and I grow more content with my life. I'm reminded of it now because I've only had this point of view -- that bachelorhood can be a good thing -- for a comparatively short time, and because I'm gradually discovering more benefits. At this time I'm still in the process of convincing myself that the course I've found to be necessary, is also good.
So maybe I should stop feeling embarrassed that I talk about bachelorhood frequently. I notice myself mentioning it and consider the line, "the dude doth protest too much, methinks." Is it evidence that I don't believe what I say, that I say it so often? That I'm trying to persuade myself?
Not necessarily, and as I now think, no. This whole lifestyle, and the possibilities that go with it, cut against the grain of my religion and a lifetime of expectations and hopes. So yeah, I am trying to convince myself, in the sense that the trained areas of my brain still react against what I'm doing and planning. It's how things work when you adopt a transcendent idea and have to put off old ways.
I have my own reasons for deciding to be a bachelor which are actually perfectly consistent with my religion and philosophy; not the stuff I'd talk to just anyone about (it has nothing to do with wanting to caress men's bums). This makes it easier; I'm not rebelling against former beliefs, so much as adjusting my expectations. It's a huge change, and as I get used to it, I start thinking of ways my life can change. For instance, I don't HAVE to be a trucker any more if I don't want to. At least, I'm under less pressure to barf up money to maintain child support plus a marriage.
With the incredible kindness and encouragement of my younger sister, who invited me to live with her family while I finish my recovery from brain surgery and revive my writing, I am beginning to do just that. It's been heavenly to spend frequent sessions discussing books and ideas with her. I didn't know until just a few years ago that we shared literary interests. Now she's encouraging me to consider professional and artistic goals that I'd discarded long ago because they didn't seem practical.
I'm not just commenting positively because I am the amazing younger sister mentioned in the post... I really do like this post in general for other reasons! I think your introspection is exciting and the direction you are going is good. --Meow!!!
Thanks for the comment, O Sister O Mine. You and James have generously granted me the chance to be thus introspective and I'm glad it's at last bearing some fruit. All dedications go your way. Mreow.
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